Golang Crash Course

Use Case

Golang Crash Course: Covers important golang topics

Source Code

Session 1:

  • Development Environment Setup
    1. Docker compose
    2. VS Code
    3. Development environment in the container

Video explanation of the code


Session 2:

  • Project structure
    1. go.mod and go.sum file
    2. go mod tidy and go mod vendor
    3. vendor directory
  • Create a basic REST API Service using Gorilla Mux

Video explanation of the code


Session 3:

  • Discussed main.go file
    1. Introduction to go routines and channels
    2. Introduction to middlewares in gorilla mux
    3. Usage of range and select on go channels
    4. Usage of time.Tick channel to rate control http server

Video explanation of the code


Session 4:

  • Discussed main.go file
    1. Introduction to structures and interfaces
    2. Create an array of interface type that holds structures defining that interface
    3. Create a basic linked list using golang structs
    4. Generics

Video explanation of the code


Session 5:

  • Discussed main.go file
    1. Go Context Package
    2. Context types

Video explanation of the code


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