Use Case
Set up a multi node docker swarm cluser
Dataflow Diagram

Session 1:
- Set up docker swarm cluster on multiple Ubuntu nodes
- What is docker swarm mode? Raft consensus
- Leader Election
- Log Replication
- Perpare the VMs
- Copy public key
- Add Ubuntu user
- Copy SSH keys to the the Ubuntu user
- Disable root login and password authentication
- Enable Ubunut firewall and allow traffic on private network
- Install required packages
- Install Docker
- Verify docker is installed
- [Optional] Install AWS CLI if using AWS Secrets manager
- [Optional] AWS Access Keys
- Enable log rotate of docker container logs to avoid excessive disk usage
- Configure docker swarm cluster
- Initialize docker swarm on the first host
- Advertise the docker swarm network on the private network only
- Copy the docker swarm join tokens to AWS Secrets manager
- Add rest of the nodes to docker swarm
- Obtain the join tokens from AWS Secrets manager
- Join the docker swarm with the first node on the private network only and advertise private network only
- Initialize docker swarm on the first host
- What is docker swarm mode? Raft consensus