Use Case
Boost Program Options library usage to access user input to the program
Session 1:
- Updated main.cpp to use program options library
- Captures user inputs
Libraries Used
Session 1
Video explanation of the code
Program options input screen
root@efa32de8e392:/workspace/backend-cpp# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/src/redis-plus-plus-modules/lib:/workspace/backend-cpp/boost_1_81_0//stage/lib ./dist/backend-cpp --help
[2023-03-11 05:19:35.676734] [0x00007fe9039040c0] [info] Allowed options:
Generic options:
-v [ --version ] print version string
--help produce help message
-c [ --config ] arg (=app.cfg) name of a file of a configuration.
-s [ --sub-program-name ] arg (=ws-vendor)
Module name to run. Options:
--ws-vendor-hostname arg websocket vendor hostname
--ws-vendor-port arg websocket vendor port
--ws-vendor-greeting-str arg websocket vendor greeting string
--ws-vendor-endpoint arg websocket vendor endpoint
--ws-vendor-no-threads arg websocket vendor no of threads
--redis-topics arg comma separated list of redis topics
--webserver-hostname arg webserver hostname or ip address to run
--webserver-port arg webserver port
--webserver-root-dir arg webserver root dir
--webserver-no-threads arg webserver no of threads
--webserver-topics arg comma separated list of topics
--log-level arg log level