Dashboard: Angular based web UI for interacting with Sravz Analytics Platform
Data Lake: SQL and NoSQL databases to store data
Task Runners: Celery/Dask/NSQ Reader-Writers for running back ground tasks
Opensource tools used: Airflow, Angular, Celery, Dask, Docker, Express.JS, Redis, Infragistics Ignite UI, MD Bootstrap, NSQ, NodeJS, Gorilla Mux,
Trading Broker: Interactive Brokers
Developed in: C++, Rust, GoLang, Python, Node, Typescript
- Sravz Platform Provides these data sets
- Stock, Futures, ETFs, Mutual funds etc
- Economic calendar data
- Various other data sets
- Any other datasets can be easily onboarded
- Sravz Platform Provides these analytics
- PCA Analysis
- Prophet Model Analysis
- Pyfolio Returns Analysis
- Rolling Statistics
- Time Series Analysis
- Covariance Analysis
- Year To Date Analysis
- Any other analytics can be easily onboarded
- Sravz Platform Provides these Visualization tools
- Charts (Dynamic & Static)
- Email alerts
Sravz Component Details.
- Dashboard
- Dynamic component developed with the latest version of Angular
- Static component developed with Hugo and Wordpress
- Backend
- Authentication module with social logins (Google and Facebook)
- Authentication module issues JWT token for application integration
- User and role management
- Implemented in C++, Rust, GoLang, Python, Node, Typescript
- C++:
- Boost/Std libraries based websocket server
- Rust
- Historical Ticker Plant
- Golang:
- Gorrila Mux based REST API
- Python:
- Analytics using Pandas/Numpy etc
- Node:
- Authentication and Authorization
- Issues JWT tokens
- Express based REST API
- Typescript
- Angular/Infragistics Ignite UI components based UI
- C++:
- Airflow & Dask based distributed task queue
- Data Stores:
- MongoDB
- AWS S3
- Redis
- Trading Broker - Interactive Brokers
- Docker Swarm for container Orchestration